The history behind property valuation in Mallorca
Mallorca villages Mallorca beaches Mallorca Tramuntana mountains…..
The value of inland property took a hit with the tourist invasion it is now being revived. Mallorca villages Mallorca beaches Mallorca Tramuntana mountains….
Throughout Mallorquin history the sea is seen as no more than a source of food. The sea has not been an attraction due to it being the gateway to pirates. Therefore a few small harbours are seen as trading posts through the islands history. Above all, the historic motto of the island is ‘Llauts Estam sempre darrera sa roca’ . This roughly translates as “we live behind the cliffs“.
So, traditionally when the father dies, he leaves the farm or estate to the eldest son. Afterward the younger siblings have to make do with the unprofitable land along the shore. These priorities have ironically reversed due to Mallorca’s most recent invader, the tourist.
The Tourist Invasion
So, in the 1960’s the island saw tourism grow to giant proportions. Moreover, in 1966 Mallorca hit the magic number of one million visitors per annum. Consequently, a plot of land by the sea meant affluence guaranteed. The farmhouse home became a relic from the days of famine and disease. Nonetheless they might use it (if they wanted to) spend their weekends recuperating. Within a few years Mallorca’s waterfront saw a complete change Previously, this may appear a lonely coastline, practically devoid of buildings. However, that became a wall of concrete with beds filling those buildings. Henceforth, the principle would be: ‘the nearer the water, the better’. Due to tourist investment Europe’s poorest municipality was to quickly become the wealthiest. So, specifically Calvia in the Ponent, helped by Magaluf, Santa Ponca and Peguera.
The invaders wearing Bermuda shorts and sandals brought huge quantities of cash to the island. Yet, with this influx of capital came a tremendous change in values. Not only old towns and villages but also the old way of life was devalued. Plastic and laminated wood replaced baskets woven from palm leaves and pine wood furniture. In addition, synthetic curtains ousted the hemp ‘roba de llengua’ (Traditional clothing). Hamburgers and fries were replacing the ‘frit mallorqui, sopes and pa moreno’ .
Mallorca’s Rebirth
Eventually, before the second millennium’s dawn, a new national consciousness Saw its rebirth. As a result traditional ways and styles thankfully, saw a refreshing revival. Locals saw thousands of Northern Europeans buying and restoring ‘finca‘ and town houses. While Mallorquins now realise their commercial value; most of all, they appreciate their cultural value.
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